Just yesterday, I received an e-mail from one of the forum to authenticate this Birkin 25 bag. This bag could pass as an authentic one for someone who is not familiar with Hermes Birkins. It is a very-well made fake and this is the first time I have come across one in exotic leather. Nice color though!
You can't really tell that the Birkin is a fake from the first two pictures. The leather has quite a nice sheen and it almost look like the one used to make an authentic Hermes Birkin. But then, a fake bag is still a fake bag no matter how well-made the bag is.
Front View
Love the color! |
Back View
Can't really tell that the Birkin is a fake yet from here ... |
The engraving on the metal plate is faint and is too wide |
The buckle hole is incorrect
It is bigger than the one found on authentic Hermès Birkin |
The metal zipper pull is incorrect
Although it is made quite similar to the zipper found on authentic Hermès Birkin
.... Still not the same unfortunately |
The end pocket has the 'H' tab almost similar to the authentic Hermès Birkin |
The heat stamp is not deep enough
The font and size are wrong |
Yes, this fake Birkin has a year blind stamp and craftsman ID too! |
The leather finishing on the lock is not refined |
The shape of the clochette is a bit off
If you look carefully, the stitching is not very refined either |
You can see the leather patch-up at on the clochette strap |
Frankly speaking, the dust bag has given a clear indication
that the Birkin is a fake! Poor printing! |
A close-up look on the Hermès logo. Very poor printing ... |