nepherisis, inc. was set-up to accommodate the demand of authentic luxury bags and accessories. Most women love fashion! We also understand that some items might not be available in certain countries due to variation in market demand.
From time to time, we do put up for sale some hard-to-find items that we manage to source from every part of the world. All items offered are guaranteed 100% authentic. We detest fakes, knock-offs and replicas. So, rest assured that you will only be getting only authentic items when buying from us.
We always provide pictures of the actual item for sale. The pictures are watermarked to prevent any unauthorized use (i.e. stealing, copying, etc.) which is a common problem on the internet. We do this in order to protect the interest of our customers and ourselves.
We don't just sell expensive stuffs but also offer a range of collectibles, cute accessories (from Disney, Sanrio, etc) and beauty products. You are invited to visit our booth on Bonanza.
Thank you for stopping by!