Friday, June 1, 2012

Fake Hermès Lindy 34 Bag

Another fake Hermes bag. This time round is a Lindy 34 bag. Please be careful when buying Hermes bags online. If not, you will end up with a fake bag and pay a huge sum for it. And don't always think that eBay is a safe haven for buying branded bags because I can tell you that it isn't. This fake Lindy bag was sold by an Australian-based seller on eBay and the listing ended at AU$5000! It is a whooping sum to pay for a fake.

I have posted many pictures of this fake Lindy bag. Can you see the difference?

Even the shape is such a turn off

Back view of the bag

The strap ....

Yes, there is a blind stamp and crafstman ID ...
It doesn't mean that the bag is authentic though

Do you notice the loose stitching???

Look at the lacquer on the handles!

Engraving on the turn lock is blurry

Yes, that it is the stamp. So what?

The interior lining is crumpled!

Very inferior craftsmanship

Uh ... oh ... Something is not right with the zipper

Do you see what I see? Is that a torn leather?!
This bag will never pass Hermes QC in this state!

A cracked lacquer on handle. Hum ...

The handle strap is such a nightmare. Look at the poor finishing ...

The base of the bag

Wrong interior base lining ...
It is supposed to be lambskin
It has a smooth and matte appearance